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Remote Configuration is also supported after initial network connection.

Networking Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValue Description & Examples
WANRadio technology used for connection to backendlte
  • lte: use either cellular NB-IoT or LTE-M
  • nbiot: use cellular NB-IoT
  • ltem: use cellular LTE-M
  • lorawan: use LoRaWAN with OTAA
  • lorawan-abp: use LoRaWAN with ABP
  • lan: use LAN/Ethernet (not supported, yet)

Hostname / IP of the Lobaro Platform API

Not used for LoRaWAN uplink =
backend (warning) DNS is not supported yet

Port number of the Lobaro Platform API

Not used for LoRaWAN uplink


NB-IoT Parameters (WAN = "lte", "nbiot", "ltem")


LoRaWAN Parameters (WAN = "lorawan", "lorawan-abp")

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValue Description & Examples
DevEUIDevEUI used to identify the DeviceDevice's own DevEUI as printed on label8 bytes = 16 hex digits, e.g. 0123456789abcdef
JoinEUIEUI used for OTAA (aka AppEUI)Individual default value for each device8 bytes = 16 hex digits, e.g. 0123456789abcdef
AppKeyAES Key used for LoRaWANIndividual default value for each device16 bytes = 32 hex digits, e.g. 0123456789abcdef001122334455667788
SFMinimal Spreading Factor used127-12, used after reset, can be decreased by ADR during operation (but not increased)


When changing Keep the value for AppKey of AppKey secret. If you change it, make sure you are using a good random source and keep the value secret. With this value it is possible to take control over the device when it reboots.

OTAA - Over the Air Activation


Modbus related Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValues Description & Examples
MbCmdList of Modbus Commands with Cron and Modbus parameters (see below).0 0/5 * * * *:R,9600,8N1:010300000003One or more entries of Modbus commands to be executed by the device. Each entry starts with a Cron expression defining when to execute the commands followed by the bus parameters used to address the Modbus slave devices. Each entry can contain multiple commands. See description below for a detailed explanation.

 See also our Introduction to Cron expressions.

MbCmd defines, what Modbus commands are executed on the Bus, when, and what Modbus Configuration to use for them. The configuration is very flexible and allows complex setups, that include executing different commands at individual intervals or times or using multiple diffent Modbus parameters to address incompatible Slaves on the same installation. Any Modbus command can be sent, including writing registers or diagnostic messages.

The default value of 0 0/5 * * * *:R,9600,8N1:010300000003 shows a very basic example with a single entry executed every 5 minutes using Modbus RTU to read 3 consecutive holdingregisters from a single slave device.

The parameter consists of up to 32 entries with individual Cron expression and Modbus configuration. Multiple entries are separated by semicolon. Each entry can have multiple Modbus commands to execute on activation, separated by comma.

Code Block
titleComplete Syntax of MbCmd
MbCmd        = "<Entry1>;<Entry2>;...;<Entry32>"
Entry        = "<Cron>:<MbParm>:<Command1>,<Command2>,...,<CommandN>
MbParm       = "<Protocol>,<Baud>,<SymbolCfg>"
Protocol     = "R" for Modbus RTC, "A" for Modbus ASCII
Baud         = Baud rate, any of: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
SymbolConfig = Token string defining Data Length, Parity, and Stop Bits. Any of: "7E1", "7E2", "8N1", "8N2"
Command      = "<bytes to be sent in hex without checksum>"

Modes of operation (work cycle)


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