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Version v1.x.x (since 2019-10-16)
This is the latest version. For older revisions please refer to the version overview.

titleThis version has a different upload format than older versions!

If you are using 0.3.x firmware, please see the 0.3.x Manual.
If you are updating to this firmware, be aware that you will have to update your configuration and the parser in your backend.

Key Features

(tick) LoRaWAN 1.0.x and 1.1 network servers supported

(tick) LoRaWAN Class A or Class C operation

(tick) LoRaWAN 1.1 time synchronisation

(tick) Configuration via USB or remotely via LoRaWAN downlink

(tick) ModBus ASCII and RTU modes supported

(tick) Readout of ModBus Coils, Discrete Inputs, Input Registers and Holding Registers

(tick) ModBus dialog mode via USB for easy configuration testing

(tick) Coexistence with 2nd Modbus Master possible (bus sharing, Listen before talk)

Target Measurement / Purpose


The Lobaro Modbus LoRaWAN Bridge works with all devices that act as a Modbus Client using RTU or ASCII (Modbus TCP is not supported). Some devices that have been used successfully with the Bridge:




More information

Octave Ultrasonic MeterWater meterArad GroupExternal Link
ECL ControllerHeat/Hot Water RegulationDanfossExternal Link
UMD 97Smart Grid Power MeterPQ PlusExternal Link (German)
DRS458DEPower MeterB+G E-Tech GmbHExternal Link

Product variants

The LoRaWAN Modbus bridge can be ordered in two standard variants. For even more customizations options see Hardware Variants overview.


For a detailed introduction into how this values need to be configured, please refer to the chapter LoRaWAN configuration in our LoRaWAN background article.





OTAAActivation: OTAA or ABPbooltrue= use OTAA, false= use ABP
DevEUIDevEUI used to identify the Devicebyte[8]e.g. 0123456789abcdef
JoinEUIUsed for OTAA (called AppEUI in v1.0)byte[8]e.g. 0123456789abcdef
AppKeyKey used for OTAA (v1.0 and v1.1)byte[16]
NwkKeyKey used for OTAA (v1.1 only)byte[16]
SFInitial / maximum Spreading Factorint7 - 12
ADRUse Adaptive Data Ratebooltrue= use ADR, false= don't
OpModeOperation ModestringA= Class A, C= Class C
TimeSyncDays after which to sync timeintdays, 0=don't sync time
RndDelayRandom delay before sendingintmax seconds
RemoteConfSupport Remote Configurationbooltrue=allow, false=deactivate
LostRebootDays without downlink before rebootintdays, 0=don't reboot


There are several values that define the configuration via Modbus. These values depend on the Slave devices that you want to read out. Please refer to your Modbus Devices's manual to find out the correct configuration.




MbProtModbus-Protocol to useRTU. ASCII
MbBaudUART Baud rate9600, 19200, 38400, ...
MbDataLenUART data length7, 8, 9
MbStopBitsUART stop bits0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 (written exactly like this)
MbCronCron expression defining when to read.0 0/15 * * * * for every 15 minutes
MbCmdList of Modbus Commands (see below).010300010003
PlFmtUplink Format1, 2, or 3, see Payload Formats
EnDLEnable Downlinkstrue= enable sending Modbus Commands via Downlink
DialogModeEnable Dialog Modetrue= set the Bridge to Dialog Mode
LbtDurationListen-before-talk Duration0= disables, 1-3600= seconds of lbt duration
LbtSilenceListen-before-talk Silence0= disabled, 1-3600 seconds of silence needed

 See also our Introduction to Cron expressions.


The Modbus Bridge sends two different kinds of messages over three different LoRaWAN ports:




Uplink1Status messages.
Uplink3Modbus Responses triggered by configuration.
Uplink4Modbus Responses triggered by Downlinks.
Uplink5Continuation of Responses that do not fit in a single Uplink.
Downlink4Modbus Commands to be forwarded by the Bridge.

In addition to the description we also supply a reference decoder usable in TTN at the end of this document.


Status messages are transmitted on port 1 and have a fixed length of 14 bytes.







version03uint8[3]Version of firmware running on the device[0, 4, 1]  v0.4.1
flag31uint8Status flag, for internal use0
temperature42int16Device's internal temperature in tenth °C246  24.6°C
voltage62uint16Voltage supplied by power source in mV3547  3.547V
timestamp85int40Internal date/time at creation of the status packet as UNIX timestamp1533055905
opMode131charLoRaWAN Operation mode the device runsA or C

Data messages

Data messages contain responses to Modbus Commands received by the Bridge. The Bridge supports multiple Payload formats for different use cases. The format is selected by the configuration parameter PlFmt:


Technical characteristics

Type nameModbus485-LoRaWAN
DescriptionModbus over LoRaWAN Bridge
RF tranceiver
TypeSemtech SX1272
Frequency863 MHz to 870 MHz
Max. TX Powermax. +14 dBm
Typical RF Range≤2km
Ideal RF Range≤10km (free line of sight)
LoRa communication
ProtocolClass A / Class C LoRaWAN 1.1 EU868
Activation methodOver-the-air-activation (OTAA)
Activation by personalization (ABP)
Modbus communication
BusRS-485 twisted pair wires (with optional GND)
Bus IO Protection>±15 kV HBM Protection
Bus IO Protection>±12 kV IEC 61000-4-2 Contact Discharge
Bus IO Protection>±4 kV IEC 61000-4-4 Fast Transient Burst
Max. RS485 Cable Length3m
Environmental Requirements
Operating temperature-20°C – 55°C
Max installation height2m
CE logoImage Modified Image Modified

CE Declaration of Conformity
