Note |
The applicable and possible downlinks depend on the device and the firmware version. The described examples do not claim to be complete and are used at your own risk. |
Example 1: Getting the firmware version:
Example to do this over TTN Console:
On your TTN Console choose your Application and your Device, Messaging:
The downlink and response can be viewed in "live data":
The result of the converted HEX to ASCII is:
Example 2: Change Configuration Pressure and Temperature Sensor via Script:
Code Block |
SMbCmd=0 0/10 * * * *:R,9600,8N1:010300160002,010300260002,fa0400050001 |
Code Block |
Example for TTN:
The downlink via a script via TTN would then look like this:
TTN Documentation scheduling-downlinks
Example for Chirpstack:
The downlink via a script via Chirpstack would then look like this: