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Integrations allow exchange data between the Lobaro Platform and other applications.

Integrate with LoRaWAN Network Server

See: Integrate LoRaWAN Network Server


See: REST Api

HTTP (forwarding)

Navigate to: Integrations -> HTTP

Forward data from the Lobaro Platform to any HTTP(s) endpoint.

HTTP Method: The HTTP method to use for the request.

Target URL: Any reachable HTTP server endpoint. (Can use Variable Substitution, for details see below.)

Authentication: One of the following authentication schemes can be used:

  • Basic Auth: Adds Username & password to request headers.
  • Bearer Token: Adds a Bearer Token to request headers. Just put the Token (without Bearer prefix).
  • OAuth: Fetch a OAuth token with the given scope from a Token URL using a ClientId and Secret as BasicAuth credentials. The fetched token is used for all API calls and automatically refreshed when invalid.

Headers: List of headers to be set on HTTP request in the format: <FieldName>: <Value> (e.g. Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==)

MQTT (forwarding)

Navigate to: Integrations -> MQTT

Forward data from the Lobaro Platform via MQTT Publish to any MQTT broker.

Broker URL: must be in one of the following formats:

  • mqtt[s]://host.domain[:port]
  • tcp[s]://host.domain[:port]

Default port for mqtt/tcp is 1883. Default port for mqtts/tcps is 8883.

ClientId: Used on MQTT connect. Default is: lobaro-{RND}. {RND} will be replaced by a unique random string.

Username / Password: Used to authenticate with the MQTT broker.

Topic: The MQTT topic to publish sensor data. (Can use Variable Substitution, for details see below.)


Currently we only support username/password authentication for MQTT yet.

Variable Substitution

Some fields offer Variable Substitution that will be substituted with content from the forwarded payload or device metadata on execution of the integration.

Variables are enclosed by curly braces.

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will lead to Topic "lobaro/v1/customer/70b3d5e050010b67/up" when a message is forwarded for a device with the Address 70b3d5e050010b67.

Following Device Metadata are available as variables: See: MQTT

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