Navigate to: Integrations -> MQTT
Forward data from the Lobaro Platform via MQTT Publish to any MQTT broker.
Broker URL: must be in one of the following formats:
Default port for mqtt/tcp is 1883
. Default port for mqtts/tcps/ssl is 8883
ClientId: Used on MQTT connect. Default is: lobaro-{RND}
. {RND}
will be replaced by a unique random string.
Username / Password: Used to authenticate with the MQTT broker.
Topic: The MQTT topic to publish sensor data. (Can use Variable Substitution, for details see below.)
Listen for Downlinks: If set the platform will listen to downlinks on topic: lobaro/downlinks/#
Qos Bytes: Default 0. Can be set to 0, 1 and 2 to set the MQTT QosBytes on publish.
TLS Client Cert/TLS Client Key: Set Client Cert and Key with content of cert and key file to use TLS Auth at Broker
TLS Broker Cert: Set Broker Cert to validate the Broker based on its Cert.
Example adding MQTT Integration:
Variable Substitution
Some fields offer Variable Substitution that will be substituted with content from the forwarded payload or device metadata on execution of the integration.
Variable substitution is supported at:
- HTTP Integration Target URL
- MQTT Integration Topic name
Variables are enclosed by curly braces:
- e.g.
- where
- where
The following substitution variables are available:
- Device
device.addr -
Address of the -
Name of the Receiving device inside the platform.device.serial -
Serial Number of the Receiving -
Internal id of device. (Should only be used for self integration on the platform.)
- Organisation -
Id of organisation the device is assigned to.
- Data
- reference any field in the forwarded data
To access the wMbus LinkLayer Id of a telegram use {data.mbus.IdString}
You can find the data JSON in the Device Data Tab of the device when expanding the row below "Data (Json)"
Downlinks on MQTT:
If Listen for Downlinks is set at an integration the platform will register a listener in the topic lobaro/downlinks/#
To send a downlink to a device publish a message to lobaro/downlinks/id/XXX/TYPE where XXX is the Device Id or lobaro/downlinks/addr/YYY/TYPE where YYY is the Address of the device the downlink is meant for. Type shall be one of the types from the lobaro downlink types: Downlinks The Body of the message needs to be filled according the specifications found in the Downlinks Documentation. (Lorawan Downlinks need a default LoraWan Server for your org defined under Integrations → LoRaWan!)